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I must come to a landing...

Here I sit, feeling like an outcast as I stare at my bare, pale palms, wondering who am I, honestly? Some ex-worker at P&G asked all of us that, which seemed to pass through the walls of my closed brain. With an excruciating headache, most of the things this lady told us were interesting, but for the 2 hours it was injecting more pain into my head than ever before. However, I felt a sweet punch to the face near the end, when she made us question who we are.

For the past 2 years, I've had no clue and have thrown that question aside as if it were my homework assignment. "Oh, I don't need to worry about that right now. Pfft, I'll leave it for later."

The clock is now ticking louder than before and its becoming painful to hear. The clock hands are nearing the time for when I'll be alone in the world figuring stuff out for myself.

With the help of my favorite blonde and blue eyed teacher, Cory, standing in front of the class mentoring, as always, he has finally widened my eyes. He's given each student the opportunity to work on an independent project. A project where we can pursure whatever passion that comes to mind.

Too much work I could hardly give a crap for, has been constricting me like a snake, slowly draining away my life. With that ferocious repitle long gone with this project, my hands are free to get to work.

With my new spark of interest in marketting, I feel as if I can fully dive into that career pool with all this spare time. This independent project just might be the best tool to use to pull my way down from floating about in life, with no purpose.

After conversating with a peer student of mine I finally have a project figured out. Selling a fresh idea for the whole community to want to rely on, a podcast service. This would be for students to see as a pit-stop for valuable information , news, and entertainment. Perfect for me, as I have discovered from my past Pepsi and website marketting projects, that I absolutely love to raise the brows of an audience. Its like a power, to be able to get people involved in a product you make, by appealing to them through the social media.

This is absolutely perfect for me, this is the chance for me to wipe away the dust that will uncover the truth behind my interests. Its going to be a game of chance, but I'm willing to use this semester to see if I can go "yay" or "nay" for a plan to further pursue marketting. Its about time for me to come to a landing as a learner, and I can already feel the ground brushing against the bottom off my feet.

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