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Sunday Night Thoughts

There you are, ear buds plugged in, listening to whatever it is that eases your mind, blocking away all the repetitious problems occurring in your current stage of life. Again and again, the same garbage. Test after test, project after project, homework after homework. When will it just stop? You think everyone enjoys shooting that caffeine into their system just to hope for a good grade on a subject you couldn’t give two damns about? We all need a break, I need a break. Get that stupid coffee out of my face and give me water, I want to sleep tonight. I’m tired of forcing my eyes to stay open so then later I complain about it with the dark circles under my eyelids, just to get that assignment done. That’s just lack of organization on my part, I’m not sure about you…but that’s me. I’m not organized.

We all have our ticks on those little things we call tasks, something that we have to encounter on a daily basis. Like this stupid fly that just won’t stop landing on my arm and spreading that “bzz” sound from ear to ear. Don’t you just hate that? I wish I could grab that little guy and smash it against the wall, but I’m no ninja, last I recall.

I plug in my ear buds, to leave. To leave my problems, just for a little bit. No matter where I am, if I have the freaking time, I’ll plug and play. The music just pouring into my ears, quenching my thirst for that therapy I call art. I like to create stories with each song, with each album, with each sound. The music provides a break for me, a break from life.

Without these moments, I think I’d be more stressed than I’d need to be. I have plenty of time, however, to have these moments, but with the way that I’m “organized” (mind the quotes), I do not. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, but its a little twisted for me. I play and I don’t work, and I’m no dull boy. I’m just playing aren’t I? I’m a happy boy.

Trying to implement that “work” time into my “play” time can seem rather difficult. I’m like a little boy too used to playing with his action figures and gets all grumpy when he has to go clean up his room. I don’t want to work, I want to keep playing.

This “work” time, is what drives me crazy. Its that pressing matter that I have to deal with everyday of my life. School related work, chore related work, and even personal related work. I don’t do almost any of it. I throw that away as if it was an expired milk carton. I don’t want that, its nasty, its spoiled, its rotten, get it away from me. Honestly, I do implement time in the most important things, for example, school. As of right now, school by default, with no escape, is my top priority. I’m about to graduate and go to college. I’ve got to haul that GPA out of the gutter throw it up to the sky, but I’ve got things holding me down.

Mr. TV, Mr. Music, Mr. Movies, and Mr. Video Games all have chains on me.

However, I’ve learned to cut a few loose, at least for awhile. I’ve made a pact with each of these gentlemen that they should only appear when I want them to. This way I have more time to care for my little GPA and care for it like it was my life. I have to treat it like it was my life on the line. GPA or failure, that’s my current decision.

Time has passed and I’ve learned to time my visits for the gentlemen and their distracting contraptions. However, they keep coming back one at a time, or even in groups, pulling me away from my duties. I still win over them and I’ve made a great solution. Send off all of the gentlemen, but Mr. Music. I seem to be able to deal with him and the work I have to do. Work and music seem to be great partners together, right? I believe so.

A little poem for the end mood:

Last Night Studying by Alexander Bobadilla

Plug and play, and work away.

Send those dark circles down astray

Take that coffee away if you may

Using caffeine to work is not my forte

Let me work and jam to music okay?

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